each day, I documented time spent through simple acts of drilling holes and sawing lines, asking “how do we make time, how do we spend it, how to we take it, share it, keep it, and whats the difference?” the practice is one of contemplation and an opportunity for myself to challenge the ticking of the clock, during a time in my life when time itself felt utterly absent. by placing a “price tag” marked with its corresponding amount of time onto each square, i question the value of existing in a world that seems to be ever changing and speeding. asking myself what value is my own life, I allow a slow conversation to emerge between my life, my art practice, my time. “whose time?” I often ask. how do we claim such an obscure concept as time as our own, as valuable, as anything at all? by lightly sanding over the spaces of each square, the layers of time and its affects become visible on the wall behind them. each new day a square is added, one is as well moved to the end of the line, celebrating the subtle and inevitable continuity of our human lives, even when nothing much is happening. a steel box is imprinted with the month’s date and created solely to hold the squares, which when piled together become a sort of book which can be worn like a necklace, heightening the human senses and making the wearer ultra-aware of the weight and pressure we place on the value of our time.